The Smart Suite for iMIS products have been designed to improve your Member Experience, generate new revenue streams, eradicate the need for third-party systems, and reduce staff costs.

Smart Jobs

Associations are striving to stay ahead of their competition. What better way to improve your member experience, value proposition and create new revenue streams than by offering an industry-specific careers portal on your website.

Smart Library

Associations have an endless amount of valuable information they can provide their members online. Causeis Smart Library, you can create an online, searchable resource library available to your members and non-members to browse and download helpful information.

Smart Maps

Improve your association’s value proposition with Causeis Smart Maps by offering a seamless mapping experience for Find a Member Functionalities including public facing enquiry submission.

Smart Trends

We all know that data can sometimes be overwhelming and hard to understand, especially if you don’t have the right tools in place. Smart Trends for iMIS will change how your association tracks, manages and understands your membership data and give you the confidence to drive growth.

Smart SMS

With more organisations competing for attention than ever before, how do you stand out from the crowd? With an average read rate of over 94%* according to the Mobile Marketing Association, SMS communication is one of the most effective ways to engage your audience.

Smart Video

Associations have an abundance of online video content; however, what happens to this content once the event has passed? Increase your revenue opportunities and member experience by reusing and reselling your online video content from one easy to navigate, smart library.

Smart Classifieds

Build a new non-dues revenue stream, whilst providing a value-add service to members and industry that allows them to instantly find and list relevant items and services for their businesses and professional development.

Smart Duplicates

While facilitating online member registrations, encountering duplicate records in your database is an inevitable challenge. Causeis Smart Duplicates empowers you to dynamically specify what qualifies as a duplicate for your association. Seamlessly take corrective measures to ensure a streamlined and efficient database.

Smart Cart

Smart Cart extends the functionality of the iMIS Commerce module, adding the ability to take payments from members in up to two currencies, and by providing staff with insights into member cart activities.

Smart Login

Online account creation can be a great value add for the online user; however, it can quickly become a nightmare for staff and your association when duplicate records start appearing. With Causeis Smart Login, you can have peace of mind that duplicates will be a thing of the past.

Smart Analytics

Understanding your members logged in behavior can enable your associations online content strategy. If your association had insights into which gated content that specific members are accessing, you can immediately identify engagement, member needs and improve your online experience. Smart Analytics for iMIS will empower your marketing and membership teams to easily track and measure your member page analytics all from within iMIS.

Smart Tables

Gone are the days of managing your event table registrations with messy spreadsheets and scraps of paper. With Causeis Smart Tables, take the headache out of collecting table bookings by enabling your event registrants to provide their table guest details at any time via your member portal.